Access to our oceans is a privilege that we want to open up to more young people and our focus is on kids who don't have the opportunity to surf regularly or participate in group activities. Our inclusive clubs allow children to enjoy the benefits and pure stoke of surfing. They also let kids explore their own potential, overcome personal challenges and gain real-life skills that they can use every day.
We tailor each of our programs to meet local needs and our trained instructors work individually with each child to establish mutual trust and understanding, so that when they ride together, they transform together.
We empower, support and then step into the background.
More About the Sessions
We work with children with all levels of surfing experience and most individual needs. Once a surfer is ready to enter the water with their instructor they are introduced safely at their own pace. Our goal, besides teaching new skills, is for everyone to enjoy themselves and get as much out of the moment as possible... time surfing as they’d like...
Safety Considerations
All our instructors are background checked and have received water safety training and training for working with children on the autistic spectrum and with other cognitive, emotional or physical needs. We always have a lifeguard on the beaches with us (several of our instructors are also lifeguards) and we carry liability insurance. However we do ask that an authorized adult signs a liability waiver form before any minor in their care participates.

Pure Stoke's mission is to foster holistic change - and we can't do that without considering the environment. The traditional surf industry still depends on non-biodegradable materials that too often end up on land and in water as polluting waste... so we decided to be part of the solution, not the problem. That's why we work with used equipment where we can, and source all our new materials from industry pioneers that use the cleanest manufacturing and most robust recycling and transformation practices... AND advocate for systemic change driven by members of the surfing community.
Marko Foam is a leader in making use of progressive environmental practices, and recycling EPS and transforming it into new products.
Our new surfboard blanks are made with "Enviro-Foam", which contains 25% scrap and EPS waste that's melted down and reformed.
Our partnership helps reduce ocean and landfill pollution and working with EPS rather than other materials also minimizes the use of chemicals and reduces toxic emissions to - yep, you got it - ZERO.
Earth Technologies has pioneered
100% sustainability in surfboard manufacturing and at the beginning of 2018 it became the world’s first zero-waste board production facility!
We've teamed up with owner Ryan Harris, who shapes and finishes our Enviro-Foam tandem boards.
In alignment with our sustainability principles, we collect gently-worn wetsuits for Pure Stoke kids to use (reduce, reuse, recyle in action...).
Neoprene is a non-biodegradable, petro-chemical-based material that leaves a large environmental footprint, and we want to keep as much new production as we can out of the supply chain. That's why we send Suga our torn and excess suits and they use their green tech to shred and transform them into... recyclable yoga mats!
Down dog, anyone?

Because we work with kids who wouldn't otherwise get to experience the stoke of surfing, we bring together a diverse cross-section of young people. This helps break down some of the barriers to communicating, understanding differences and making new friends, and leads to positive and lasting change. Our programs also emphasize and develop leadership and civic engagement that respond to local social and environmental needs. Participants turn ideas into effective action for lasting change.
We are supported in location by volunteers, businesses and families, which encourages a sense of connection between place, people and ideas and demonstrates that when communities work together, they grow together.
Pure Stoke serves as a catalyst for organic innovation.